Nasal Reshaping / Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic Surgery Of The Nose

If you feel that your nose is not a good fit for your face, you may benefit from cosmetic surgery of the nose, also called rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can enhance the shape, size, and general appearance of your nose.

Is Nasal Reshaping Right For Me?

You may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Your nose appears too large for your face
  • There is a bump or depression on the nasal bridge when viewed in profile
  • The nose seems too wide when viewed from the front
  • The nasal tip droops or plunges
  • The tip is thickened or enlarged
  • The nostrils are excessively flared
  • Your nose is off-center or crooked
  • A previous injury has made your nose asymmetrical
  • You have an air obstruction that impairs breathing

The technique used for your surgery depends not only on Dr. Wigoda’s preferences but also on your desired results. Alterations may be made to increase or decrease the nasal bridge, reduce the size or width of the nose, narrow the nostrils, reshape the tip, or change the angle between the nose and the upper lip.

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